2024 Hoofleiers

Vanaf links: David Aleke (Deputy Head Boy), Garreth  Julius (Head Boy), Shiloh-Lee Stelfox (Hoofmeisie), Lize v.d. Heever (Onderhoofdogter)

2024 Leerlingraad

From left/Van links:
Alvyn Kalombay, Evan Prentice, Justin du Toit, John Deacon, Juan Kellerman, Andiswa Kunene, Cauilo Koen, Hanno v. Rensburg, Marinus Rademan, Hanrico Cronjé Lungile Manzini, J.P.Smit, David Aleke (Deputy Head Boy), Garreth Julius (Head Boy), Shiloh-Lee Stelfox (Hoofmeisie), Lize v.d. Heever (Onderhoofdogter), Olivia Olivier, Lulu Mortagua, Oratilwe Ngubeni, Thembisile Mtimkulu, Tlotliso Kesi, Lee-Anne Bridges, Ashlee Tintinger, Ziandri v.d. Sandt, Roxi Hartslief, Caitlyn Jones, Anshe de Jager en Masetshaba Mashiane

Congratulations to the following learners who achieved the highest achievements of the year 2023, at our Prize Giving.


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