Your are here: General / Our Values |
LIEFDE is: OMGEEHelp en beskerm |
LOVE is to: CARETo do good things for other people |
RESPEK is: WAARDEHanteer mense en besittings as waardevol |
RESPECT is to: VALUETo treat people and things as valuable |
DISSIPLINE is:Regte optrede, regte plek, regte tyd, elke keer. |
DISCIPLINE is:Do the Right Thing, at the Right Timeand to do it EVERY TIME |
AANSPREEKLIKHEID is: ANTWOORDEGee antwoorde vir dit wat jy doen |
ACCOUNTABILITY is to: ANSWERBe willing to give answers for your actions |
BETROUBAARHEID is: VERTROUEDoen wat jy gesê het, jy sal |
DEPENDABILITY is to be: TRUSTEDTo help and protect |
LEIERSKAP is: INVLOEDStaan op vir wat jy glo |
LEADERSHIP is to: INFLUENCEStand up for what you believe in |
DIVERSITEIT is: AANVAARAanvaar mekaar se verskille |
DIVERSITY is to: ACCEPTAccept one's differences |