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E-Sharp Music
E-Sharp Music is die afgelope 21 jaar by Vaalpark Primêre Skool en bied klasse in die volgende instrumente aan:
• Klavier/Klawerbord
• Klassieke/Populêre en Elektriese Kitaar
• Viool
• Blokfluit
Kinders leer nie uitsluitlik om nét die instrument van hul keuse te bespeel nie, maar word ook blootgestel aan flitskaart-oefeninge, bordwerk, gehooropleiding, teorie en ander aktiwiteite, wat hulle algemene musiekkennis verbreed en hulle voorberei, vir die volgehoue studie van die instrument van hulle keuse. Verder kry die kinders ook geleentheid, om eksamens by buite-instansies soos UNISA, ALMSA, Trinity of Rockschool af te lê, wanneer hulle gereed is. Daar is ook heelwat geleenthede vir studente om op te tree en aan kunswedstryde deel te neem. E-Sharp Music is ook betrokke by die afrigting van die Senior Koor, wat Woensdaemiddae, direk na skool, oefen.
E-Sharp Music provides top-quality instrumental music education on site during school hours and after school to the learners of Vaalpark Primary. E-Sharp Music offers lessons in piano, keybord, guitar, violin, recorder and singing. Our music educators are highly qualified and experienced and are passionate about music and music education. Their compassionate approach to teaching music is considerate to all learners’ individual learning styles and personalities. Their aim is to instill a lifelong passion for musical engagement by fully developing each learner’s musical potential. Ultimately, E-Sharp Music’s goal is to teach for well-being. Music learners gain life-long skills such as discipline, perseverance, and self-confidence which will carry them well beyond their musical studies.
For more information visit or contact
Elizna Dempers
084 240 5178